Blog Art Spy> Research residency

First-hand insight into the activities of the protagonists of Curators

07/02/2016 Research residency

Footnote #4: Please be more specific

Footnotes are activities designed as annotations to the development of artistic contributions to Lightning Studies: CTCCCs.

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01/02/2016 Research residency

Footnote #3: Tips to achieve a hygienic body

Footnotes are activities designed as annotations to the development of artistic contributions to Lightning Studies: CTCCCs.

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26/01/2016 Research residency

Footnote #2: Dictation-Didacticism-Dictatorship

Footnotes are activities designed as annotations to the development of artistic contributions to Lightning Studies: CTCCCs.

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21/01/2016 Research residency

Footnote #1: A Close Reading of Robinson Crusoe

Footnotes are activities designed as annotations to the development of artistic contributions to Lightning Studies: CTCCCs.

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16/01/2016 Research residency

Lightning Studies: CTCCCs Part 3/3

Third part of a working proposal for Lightning Studies. This series of dispatches registers the timeline of the proposal and how it evolves as artists and other agents join CTCCCs.

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15/01/2016 Research residency

Lightning Studies: CTCCCs Part 2/3

Second part of a working proposal for Lightning Studies. This series of dispatches registers the timeline of the proposal and how it evolves as artists and other agents join CTCCCs.

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14/01/2016 Research residency

Lightning Studies: CTCCCs Part 1/3

First part of a working proposal for Lightning Studies. This series of dispatches registers the timeline of the proposal and how it evolves as artists and other agents join CTCCCs.

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09/12/2015 Research residency

The Conversation

"The Conversation" Lauren Wetmore’s curatorial proposal for Encura, invites five artists to replicate and disturbing the dynamics that control public and private surveillance forms.

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09/12/2015 Research residency


03:23 is a 24 hour film by Mario Santamaría, sequentially focusing on 1 hour, as viewed from publically accessible live-stream web cams in each timezone across the globe.

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07/12/2015 Research residency

Take the Book. Take the Money. Run.

Presenting a podcast on “Take the Book, Take the Money, Run”, Ciprian Homorodean’s book on the art of stealing and avoiding detection in today's overly-surveilled public sphere.

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