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28/10/2016 Art Spy report

How to disassemble a nation 5

Henri Eric usually inquires how we can reecover and revere architectonical structures and remains of a bourgeois past, that are significant for our history and part of our identity, but considered inessential.

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17/10/2016 Art Spy report

How to disassemble a Nation 4

A monument is a cold and dead structure, so are ruins. And only dead people should inhabit them.

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18/07/2016 Art Spy report

How to disassemble a Nation 3

All Javier Castro’s video-creations seek to expose a reality of the Cuban society, conveniently silenced by the power structures of the government.

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21/06/2016 Art Spy report

How to disassemble a Nation 2

The artistic duo Celia-Yunior, with their vocation for research, reexamine official Cuban archives and question their legitimacy. A much needed gesture in the current circumstances.

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23/05/2016 Art Spy report

How to disassemble a Nation

I am aware of the impossibility to successfully summarize almost sixty years of the development of Cuban Art History in two pages. But nevertheless I think it is necessary to state at least point some fundamental aspects to better understand Cuban contemporary art.

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01/05/2016 Art Spy report

Identification as Reappropriation

Luiza Margan surprises, confuses, provokes smiles and has clearly defined intentions behind her approach, one of them being the reappropriation of the past in a subtly humorous way.

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