At Hangar, a corpus of artistic processes and inscriptions will latch on the relay translation of Robinson Crusoe to speculate on Lightning Studies: Centre for the Translation of Constraints, Conflicts and Contaminations as an imagined, virtual, and fleeting institution for relational translation. The centrality of forming an institution serves two purposes: as a reference for undoing the overdetermined proposition of the so-called pedagogical models, which could position translation as a critical method and praxis of pedagogy; and as a vector of exploring partially visible modes of organization, such as co-production of discursive elements, conceptual histories, and incidental alternatives through the interpellation and injunction of texts and images. The discursive capacity and comparative potential of translation are asserted as devices for navigating the insights of cultural transformation instead of analyzing knowledge transfer. The inquisitive parkour between the proposed institution and the assembly of histories, passages and relationships in/with Ang Bagong Robinson will be anchored in problematizing the loaded translation of three political-economic concepts: constraints, conflicts and contaminations; in order to disambiguate the relationship between pedagogy and problem-solving, and the performativity of language and the invocation of images.
Lightning Studies: Centre for the Translation of Constraints, Conflicts and Contaminations aims to work with Megan Michalak, Giuliana Racco/Matteo Guidi, Mario Santamaria and Christina Schultz in building a discursive architecture and in possibilizing a series of playful and inventive moments for knowing and unknowing in an attempt to found an affective institution for relational translation. Overlapping and perhaps antagonistic, the registers accommodated lay out a network of variegated provocations to discuss different articulations, structures and experiences of constraints, conflicts and contaminations, and how this design of political economy forms pedagogical templates and consequently deploys problem-solving ideologies through didactic channels. [...]
*Read the first part of the introduction here.
Auxiliary engagements
1. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's lecture titled An Aesthetic Education in the Age of Globalization.
2. George Caffentzis / Silvia Federici's essay Notes on the edu–factory and Cognitive Capitalism (2007).
3. Patrick D. Flores' Teaching/Learning the Humanities in Other Words/Worlds.
4. Ruth Noack's lecture-presentation at the Comparabilities: relationship and scale Symposium (2015).
Image: American teacher stationed in Mindanao. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Lightning Studies: CTCCCs Part 2/3
Blog Art Spy > Research residency

Second part of a working proposal for Lightning Studies. This series of dispatches registers the timeline of the proposal and how it evolves as artists and other agents join CTCCCs.