
Ádám Dallos

Artist Gathering Budapest

Ádám Kokesch

Artist Gathering Budapest

Agnieszka Grodzińska

Artist Gathering Krakow

Alain Urrutia

Artist Gathering Madrid

Alex Bodea

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Alfredo Morte

Artist Gathering Madrid

Alice Shintani

Artist Gathering Sweet-home-2018-open-call

Alicja Bielawska

Artist Gathering Krakow

Álvaro Negro

Artist Gathering Madrid

Andi Schmied

Artist Gathering Artist-residency-sapporo

Antonio R. Montesinos

Artist Gathering Research-residency-hangar

Anatoliy Babiychuk

Artist Gathering Vienna


Barna Péli

Artist Gathering Budapest


Artist Gathering Sibiu

Catrin Bolt

Artist Gathering Vienna

Bureau of Melodramatic Research

Artist Gathering Artplacc-tihany

Carlos Irijalba

Artist Gathering Madrid

Carlos Maciá

Artist Gathering Madrid

Carmen Dobre-Hametner

Artist Gathering Sibiu


Artist Gathering Sibiu

Cristina Garrido

Artist Gathering Madrid

Daniel Jacoby

Artist Gathering Madrid

Daniela Palimariu

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Ana de Almeida

Artist Gathering Vienna

Dominik Ritszel

Artist Gathering Krakow

Dragos Badita

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Marc-Alexandre Dumoulin

Artist Gathering Vienna

Sophie Dvořák

Artist Gathering Vienna

Apparatus 22

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Eszter Szabó

Artist Gathering Budapest

Ewa Kubiak

Artist Gathering Krakow

Fermín Jiménez Landa

Artist Gathering Madrid

Françoise Vanneraud

Artist Gathering Madrid

Tehnica Schweiz

Artist Gathering Budapest

Gruppo Tökmag

Artist Gathering Budapest


Artist Gathering Madrid

Hajnalka Tarr

Artist Gathering Budapest

Marlene Hausegger

Artist Gathering Vienna

Igor Omulecki

Artist Gathering Krakow

Igor and Ivan Buharov

Artist Gathering Budapest

Inés García

Artist Gathering Madrid

Irina Botea

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Jaime de la Jara

Artist Gathering Madrid

Jakub Woynarowski

Artist Gathering Krakow

Jan Szewczyk

Artist Gathering Krakow

Borsos Lőrinc

Artist Gathering Budapest

Jarema Drogowski

Artist Gathering Krakow

Javier Arce

Artist Gathering Madrid

Johanna Tinzl & Stefan Flunger

Artist Gathering Artplacc-tihany

Júlia Vécsei

Artist Gathering Budapest

Julio Adán

Artist Gathering Madrid

Karolina Breguła

Artist Gathering Krakow

Katarina Šević

Artist Gathering Budapest

Krisztina Erdei

Artist Gathering Budapest

László Hatházi

Artist Gathering Budapest

Lea Rasovszky

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Magdalena Sawicka

Artist Gathering Krakow

Luiza Margan

Artist Gathering Vienna

Maria Anwander

Artist Gathering Vienna

Maria-Luiza Alecsandru

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Mateusz Choróbski

Artist Gathering Krakow

Małgorzata Dawidek

Artist Gathering Krakow

Lisa Meixner

Artist Gathering Vienna

Michelle-Marie Letelier

Artist Gathering Artspy

Mircea Stanescu

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Mirela Ivanciu

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Núria Güell

Artist Gathering Madrid

Olivia Mihaltianu

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Karin Fisslthaler / Bernd Oppl

Artist Gathering Vienna

Pablo Serret de Ena

Artist Gathering Madrid

Paco Chanivet

Artist Gathering Research-residency-hangar

Paweł Borkowski

Artist Gathering Krakow

Pedro Luis Cembranos

Artist Gathering Madrid

Peter Puklus

Artist Gathering Budapest

Péter Szabó

Artist Gathering Budapest

Piotr Wyrzykowski

Artist Gathering Krakow

Markus Proschek

Artist Gathering Vienna

Przemyslaw Jasielski

Artist Gathering Krakow

Radu Cioca

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Linda Reif

Artist Gathering Vienna

Arnold Reinthaler

Artist Gathering Vienna

Roland Farkas

Artist Gathering Budapest

Roman Dziadkiewicz & ENSEMBLE

Artist Gathering Krakow

Mario Santamaria

Artist Gathering Research-residency-hangar

Sári Ember

Artist Gathering Budapest

Sebastian Moldovan

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Simion Cernica

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Deniz Soezen

Artist Gathering Vienna

Sorin Oncu

Artist Gathering Sibiu


Artist Gathering Sibiu

Ştefan Botez

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Stefania Strouza

Artist Gathering Vienna

Sławomir Czajkowski ZBIOK

Artist Gathering Krakow

Tamara Kuselman

Artist Gathering Madrid

Urszula Kluz-Knopek

Artist Gathering Krakow

Vicente Blanco

Artist Gathering Madrid

Marianne Vlaschits

Artist Gathering Vienna

Stephanie Winter

Artist Gathering Vienna

Artist Gathering Sweet-home-2018-open-call

Natalia Załuska

Artist Gathering Vienna

Zoé T. Vizcaíno

Artist Gathering Madrid

Zsófia Szemző

Artist Gathering Budapest

Zsolt Tibor

Artist Gathering Budapest

Łukasz Jastrubczak

Artist Gathering Krakow

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