Blog Art Spy> Research residency

First-hand insight into the activities of the protagonists of Curators

08/06/2018 Research residency

Zika 3: Shades*

The people are very affectionate and relaxed - it seems Latin America - but we practically do not see non-whites here. Madrid, day 11.

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06/06/2018 Research residency

Zika 2: Y ese canto es nuestro amuleto

"A Pesar de Usted", song and lyrics by Chico Buarque de Hollanda, Brazil, 1970.

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05/06/2018 Research residency

Zika 1: The landing of the flying saucers

It's been a week since the flying saucers landed here in Madrid. They came from far unknown galaxies to each other: Belorussia, New Zealand, France, Norway, Chile and ours, Brazil.

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07/09/2016 Research residency

#7 Interview with Mami Odai

"The dangerous myth that nuclear energy is a clean alternative" Ian Lowe

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05/09/2016 Research residency

#6 Interview with Keiko Asanuma

"The world began without human beings, and the world will end without human beings" Akira Takayama

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04/09/2016 Research residency

#5 Interview with Eiko Soga

"Is there any ancient wisdom that we can learn to support our life in today's capitalist society and in the future?" Eiko Soga

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03/09/2016 Research residency

#4 Interview with Rie Kawakami

"And can you offer me a proof of your existence? How can you, when neither modern science nor philosophy can explain what life is?" Ghost in the Shell.

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02/09/2016 Research residency

#3 Interview with Yoshio Aramaki

"Reality is too fast to be caught by fiction" Yoshio Aramaki

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01/09/2016 Research residency

#2 Interview with Kyoko Tachibana

Are there any projects you would like to carry out but you consider to be somehow utopian?

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31/08/2016 Research residency

#1 Was the Future already here?

Progress and Dystopia for Mankind. Footnotes on the history of the Future in Japan

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