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11/04/2016 Art Spy report

Identification as Alarm

The performance pieces of the Moldovan Tatiana Fiodorova act as a metaphor for the transition of the USSR and its people to the new European realities and standards.

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06/04/2016 Art Spy report

Identification as Spectacle

Jasmina Cibic works with signals, words, and forms that represent a very particular way to do politics in order to deconstruct the spectacle of identification as political processes.

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31/03/2016 Art Spy report

Identification as Exorcism

Šejla Kamerić’s best-known piece is without doubt Bosnian Girl (2003), an eye-catching poster showing her portrait bearing an inscription which repeats a graffiti photographed in a former UN base located near Srebrenica.

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22/03/2016 Art Spy report

Identification as Craft

Like many of us who come from or live in this southeastern region of Europe, Katarina Šević is a displaced woman, and like for many of us, for her identification is a pivotal question to be taken care of.

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10/03/2016 Art Spy report

On Identification as Field Exercise

This series of articles is concerned with layers of identification in Central-Eastern Europe. I introduce this theme by analysing "Identification", an action that Katalin Ladik realized in 1972 in Vienna.

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08/03/2016 Art Spy report

Ambushed on a Dusty Plain

Angélica Araya has come up with an approach to photography that does more than just propose an artistic action. She demonstrates clear rigour in her work, without denying the contextual dilemmas.

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01/03/2016 Art Spy report

Rippling Through Time: The Mirages of Tarapacá

The Tarapacá desert, a terrain pinned down by the sun and the wind, forms part of the artist Michelle Marie Letelier’s research. Her work focuses on the economic and political value of minerals in parts of Latin America.

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16/02/2016 Art Spy report

Tracing a Hidden Border

Chilean artist Catalina González has set about investigating the traces left behind by the military trials. Paradoxically, these trials mirror the pre-Columbian vestiges found in the Tarapaca desert.

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09/02/2016 Art Spy report

A Body in the Bone-Dry Desert

The basis of Benjamín Ossa’s research, the work he carried out as a visual artist in different parts of the Atacama Desert, goes beyond an artist’s usual sceptical wanderings.

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02/02/2016 Art Spy report

Regional Desertification

Over the years, northern Chile has lived through the consequences of the boom and bust in nitrate mining. Therefore, unsurprisingly, this mineral takes on various different forms in the people’s collective memory.

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