
News item

Presentation of the outcome of the residency project of Katharina Fichtner.

Category: International


THE WORLD ACCORDING TO invites an artist to collaborate on a magazine. Using sources other than his/her own work, s/he develops an idea, a concept, a subject or a vision which can only be realized in the form of a print publication. On 64 blank pages, s/he creates a unique project by collecting images, texts, graphics, and/or by inviting artists, friends, family members to contribute.


Katharina Fichtner, one of the curators of the collective The Office, enjoyed a research residency of Curators' Network. The outcome of this one-month-long stay in Spain is the fifth issue of this series of artist magazines: THE WORLD ACCORDING TO PATRICIA ESQUIVIAS

The issue was presented in April 2014 in Madrid at La Central library at Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

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