Outline for The Bonding

by Michelle-Marie Letelier

Outline for a 16mm film installation that will present the documentation of a 2,5-year bonding with a farmed salmon, in collaboration with the Institute of Marine Research, in Norway.

The Bonding is the central part of the ongoing project Transpose, which focuses on the relationship between Southern and Northern Hemispheres in regards to Salmon aquaculture, landscape management, manipulation and poetics towards living marine resources.

This is a 16mm film documentation of a working process with fishermen and scientists of the University of Bergen (UiB), in which the aim was to research the history of salmon aquaculture and current technologies. One of the tasks was the extraction of otoliths pairs from farmed salmons; unique crystals or bio-minerals that serve as a chemical diary of a fish. This seeded a reflection on how the microscopic crystals of the film material arrange themselves under a photochemical process.

This outline aims to translate the techno-antiseptic Cartesian environment constructed for a captive salmon through a grainy, imperfect 16mm film aesthetic. It is accompanied by an extract from a conversation with Sámi artist Ánde Somby in Tromsø, 2019.

Tags analogous, research
Technique Cinematic arts (Video,...)

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