by Ewa Kubiak
‘The Kingdom’ is a series of works about a basic environment; in this case my room, being a booster for thinking about the unlikely yet possible future problems. ‘The Kingdom’ consists of an animation, two objects and a series of drawings. The work is an outcome of the year after my graduation when I was sitting for days in my room and because of a lack of impulses coming up with bizarre visions that I thought I could read from the pattern of my dirty wallpaper. It’s symptomatic that while being surrounded by four walls and having a lot of time to think (in the breaks between doing utterly uninteresting jobs) you focus on details which under different circumstances you’d undoubtedly omit. From these details underlined by boredom I imagined what could happen to our houses, buildings, to the whole cities if we don’t stop redecorating then or thinking about a peculiar feeling which can devour even Durer’s Melancholy and spit me back into the blackness of my room; leave me alone with my absurd thoughts and ideas.
I decided to make a use of this weird and hard time, though. I realized that maybe the things I odrzucać as past, useless, difficult should be my medium.
I decided to make a use of this weird and hard time, though. I realized that maybe the things I odrzucać as past, useless, difficult should be my medium.
Tags | pen, pencil, series |
Technique | Other |