Ştefan Botez

Ştefan Botez (Ştefan Botez)

"What interests me is that moment, when boys become men and men become kings."

Work Master, Master in Visual Arts, Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD), Geneva, Switzerland, 2011 - present

Artist Assistant for the Sanatorium project, by Pedro Reyes, dOCUMENTA(13), Kassel, Germany, 2012

ALPes – Art, Place, Landscape, Sound, Space (certificate of advanced studies), Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD), Geneva, Switzerland, 2010 - 2011

Internship at Analix Forever gallery, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011

Bachelor and Master in Architecture, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, Romania, 2002 - 2009
Who Ştefan Botez Born Romania, 1983
What Artist Artisticname Ştefan Botez
Activity Gathering Romania Web stefanbotez.blogspot.com


Keep it Safe

Drawing body, charcoal, conceptual, figurative, gender, man, series, research, pencil

Teach Me how to Dance

Cinematic arts body, gender, man, research, series


Other public space, landscape, series, conceptual

Exhibitions (selection)

  • Photography and Public Intervention, Vanish, for: Toucher avec les yeux / Touching With the Eyes, an event by Annelore Schneider, Villa Jeanneret-Perret, La Chaux - de - Fonds, Switzerland - 2012
  • Photography, I Miss You/Mi-e dor de tine, Desire is War group exhibition, the contemporary art gallery of the Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu, Romania - 2011
  • Photography, group exhibition, SULUV gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia - 2007
  • Photography, group exhibition, Westbourne Studios, London, U.K.; 2006 Graphic Design, Sta Travel Cafe as part of the Terminal00(6) international balkanart festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia - 2006
  • Video, group exhibition, Okuparte festival, Huesca, Spain - 2004

Awards and Scholarships (selection)

  • Scholarship granted by Pro Democratia Stiftung Foundation, generously supporting my one year ALPes studies at HEAD Geneva;

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