Paco Chanivet

"We are between two worlds, one we don’t recognize and the other doesn’t exist yet."
Between these two universes we found the work of Chanivet, who with a disbelieving and sardonic attitude drifts between the rare and the sublime. Influenced by a Catholic-Christian education, he maintains a dependent relationship with the absolute that has converted his artistic production in an outpouring of forms and themes. His practice is fragmentary, and avoids any systematization. His methodology is a crude attempt to mimic the properties of quantum entanglement, connecting points that at first glance are far from each other to create emerging reality models that do not resemble the existing, but pervert our relationship with it. His obsessions address issues such as how the primal myths are repeated through us, love as a way to evade the tragic nature of existence, technology as the gateway to a reality that does not seek to replace the one that protects us, but to question it as the only plausible, and speculate (through science fiction and costumbrism) with the possibilities that burn into the hearts of the impossibles.
Who | Paco Chanivet | Born | Spain, 1984 |
What | Artist | Artisticname | Paco Chanivet |
Activity | Encura research residency | Web | |
Tel | +34 677096185 | |
Exhibitions (selection)
- Solo shows
- 2018_ SSSSSSSilex. BCN Producció - La Capella, Barcelona.
- 2017_ Cognitive Surplus, Hangar Obert, Barcelona.
- 2012_ Constel·lacions Familiars. Sala Muncunill EspaiDos, Terrassa.
- 2009_ Pensamiento vertical e iconografía googleriana. Galería Cadaqués Dos, Girona.
- Group shows
- 2018_ Ante el tiempo. Micro-relatos de resituación. Programa Iniciarte. Sala Santa Inés, Sevilla.
- 2018_ Premio Miquel Casabalncas. Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona.
Awards and Scholarships (selection)
- · BCN Producció 2017.
- · Premio adquisición Artium - Getxoarte.
- · Primer Premio de la XXXIII Muestra de Arte Joven La Rioja.
- · Sala d’Art Jove de Barcelona.
- · Beca Iniciarte 2009
- · Sense Titol, Universidad de Barcelona.