Luce Choules

TSOEG (Temporal School of Experimental Geography)

Luce Choules (TSOEG (Temporal School of Experimental Geography))

"Luce Choules' work engages with the challenge in recording and broadcasting time-based practice."

Luce Choules is a UK-based itinerant trans-disciplinary artist, operating from field centres in France and Spain, and working internationally. She is the founder of itinerant artist network, an RGS-IBG Fellow and independent researcher.

Choules' research investigates both the critical dialogue between art and geography through fieldwork and the geographies of artistic practice in the landscape, to develop new research models in peripatetic practice, itinerant working, outposts and datasets. She participates in collaborative and multi-authored fieldwork and shares research through publications and other public platforms.

Choules is interested in fragility, the mobility of material and an environmental shift in human nature. Using a trans-media approach, she investigates earth systems, in particular the movement and behaviour of animate and inanimate objects. Through experiential and embodied fieldwork methods she monitors erratic changes in landscape. Against a pervasive anthropocentric view, her work probes collapsing structures and systems in nature contributing to a wider discussion on instability and environmental change.

Who Luce Choules Born United Kingdom, 1968
What Cultural Agent Works for TSOEG (Temporal School of Experimental Geography)
Activity Encura research residency 2019 Web

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