
Campobase's diary of the month of March

Blog Art Spy >

This is CampoBase’s diary of the month of March. Our research, work, lives - as those of all of us - have been affected by the sanitary crisis still ongoing at the moment we are writing.

This is a collection of private chats, emails, exchanges, free thoughts. It is in Spanish and Italian, as these are the languages we mainly speak among us and with people involved in the festival House of Displacement Barcelona. Below you can find an “English version” provided through Google Translate, a tool we have been using very often during our residency, as not all of us speak fluently Spanish and not all of the people involved in our projects speak fluently English.


Este es el diario de CampoBase del mes de marzo. Nuestra investigación, nuestro trabajo, nuestras vidas, como las de todos los demás, se han visto afectados por la crisis sanitaria que aún se está produciendo en el momento en que estamos escribiendo.

Esta es una colección de chats privados, correos electrónicos, intercambios, pensamientos libres. Está en español e italiano, ya que estos son los idiomas que hablamos principalmente entre nosotros y con las personas involucradas en el festival House of Displacement Barcelona. A continuación puede encontrar una “versión en inglés” proporcionada a través de Google Translate, una herramienta que hemos utilizado con mucha frecuencia durante nuestra residencia, ya que no todos hablan español con fluidez y no todas las personas involucradas en nuestros proyectos hablan inglés con fluidez.


Questo è il diario di CampoBase del mese di marzo. Le nostre ricerche, il nostro lavoro, le nostre vite - come quelle di tutti - sono state colpite dalla crisi sanitaria ancora in corso al momento in cui stiamo scrivendo.

Questa è una raccolta di chat private, e-mail, scambi, pensieri liberi. È in spagnolo e italiano, poiché queste sono le lingue che parliamo principalmente tra noi e con le persone coinvolte nel festival House of Displacement Barcelona. Di seguito puoi trovare una “versione inglese” fornita tramite Google Translate, uno strumento che abbiamo usato molto spesso durante la nostra residenza, poiché non tutti parliamo fluentemente spagnolo e non tutte le persone coinvolte nei nostri progetti parlano inglese fluentemente.




[17:34, 5/3/2020] Federica: Mi sa che è tutto vero

[17:34, 5/3/2020] Irene: No non può essere

[17:34, 5/3/2020] Federica: Senti subito gli altri

[17:35, 5/3/2020] Irene: Chiamami quando hai finito a lavoro

[17:35, 5/3/2020] Federica: Si certo

[17:46, 5/3/2020] Irene: Raga sta succedendo

[17:48, 5/3/2020] Ginevra: ?

[17:48, 5/3/2020] Irene: hanno cancellato il volo di Federica. Fate un check alle vostre mail per vedere se almeno voi siete state graziate da questa lotteria

[17:48, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: cazz

[17:48, 5/3/2020] Bianca: ecco...

[17:50, 5/3/2020] Irene: a Fede è arrivato un messaggio sul telefono

[17:50, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: forse aveva già fatto check-in?

[17:50, 5/3/2020] Irene: impossibile, con Ryanair non si può fino al giorno prima

[17:54, 5/3/2020] Ginevra: A me non dice nulla

[17:55, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: per ora mi dice che la mia prenotazione è confermata

[17:56, 5/3/2020] Ginevra: Anche la mia. Speriamo...Ma forse anche perché Fede parte prima di me e Gabri. Magari hanno messo il blocco fino a tot giorno. Se riusciamo a scoprire questa cosa magari il volo di Fede lo si posticipa e si riesce a partire.

[17:58, 5/3/2020] Irene: Temo sia un illusione la tua, Gab

[17:59, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: da quanto ho capito Ryanair sta cancellando i voli perché a causa del Covid sono vuoti

[17:59, 5/3/2020] Ginevra: fuck

[17:59, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: cioè non è una roba legata al movimento, ma una cosa legata al fatto che economicamente non è sostenibile far partire voli con tre persone a bordo

[17:59, 5/3/2020] Irene: peccato che quelle tre persone lo hanno pagato e invece di cancellare il volo dovrebbero dargli una cazzo di alternativa

[18:18, 5/3/2020] Federica: Forse riesco a spostarlo. Raga mi viene da piangere

[18:19, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: :( sennò raga macchinata

[18:19, 5/3/2020] Bianca: raga stanotte ho sognato che arrivavo a Barcelona in macchinaaa

[18:20, 5/3/2020] Bianca: maledetta veggenza

[18:21, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: ahahah son 9 ore comunque, a mali estremi...

[18:35, 5/3/2020] Federica: Flixbus ce ne mette solo 14

[23:04, 5/3/2020] Ginevra: Oleee dai che ce la faremo


ITALIATODAY - Domenica 8 Marzo 2020

Coronavirus, a Milano la fuga dalla "zona rossa": folla alla stazione di Porta Garibaldi


[16:17, 8/3/2020] Federica: Io martedì dovevo andare a lavoro ma dubito di riuscire a muovermi a questo punto… Come funzionano gli spostamenti da zona rossa a zona rossa secondo voi?

[16:17, 8/3/2020] Irene: Così domani vediamo anche come evolve sto casino e capiamo se ha senso fare o annullare il festival

[16:18, 8/3/2020] Federica: :-(

[16:18, 8/3/2020] Gabriella: Madonna raga che momento della vita scoppiettante!


[11:20, 10/3/2020] Bianca: penso che a un certo punto arriveranno delle direttive dal Ministero e li a qualsiasi punto saremo dovremo accettare

[11:22, 10/3/2020] Irene: beh questo è già un punto di discussione. vogliamo andare avanti finché non arriva un decreto del genere anche in spagna e se non arriva continuiamo? 

[11:14, 10/03/2020] Irene: 10:43⚽ ÚLTIMA HORA | El partido de Champions League entre el FC Barcelona y el Nápoles se jugará a puerta cerrada.


[12:01, 11/3/2020] Irene: Fino a nuova disposizione continueremo a lavorare al progetto, ma abbiamo deciso sospendere fino a lunedì ogni nostra comunicazione nel rispetto del nostro pubblico e di tutte le persone che stanno passando un momento difficile dato dall'attuale epidemia. Restiamo dunque in attesa di capire come la situazione possa evolvere oltre che in Italia, anche in Spagna e di indicazioni circa lo svolgimento del festival. Secondo voi, così può andare?

[12:01, 11/3/2020] Ginevra: per me va bene, grazie Ire. Per me è molto importante che anche i nostri sentimenti escano in questa mail, ma in maniera rispettosa e relativa alla nostra relazione con Hangar, come mi pare emerga dalla tua proposta.

[12:08, 11/3/2020] Ginevra: comunque, a parte ciò, sto pensando che mi piacerebbe usare il blog art spy per parlare dell'epidemia di coronavirus in Italia… farei tipo una versione rivisitata del primo post Blog Art Spy: "notes and ideas for a research on collective work and thinking across Europe during Coronavirus"... una roba del genere

[12:10, 11/3/2020] Gabriella: Mi piace tantissimooooo

[12:10, 11/3/2020] Stefano: Si sì, ci sta molto

[12:12, 11/3/2020] Ginevra: daje, mi sembra un post interessante, perchè non agirebbe direttamente in maniera polemica, ma potrebbe restituire la complessità di manovre o movimenti che stiamo vivendo, semplicemente fotografando il modo in cui stiamo lavorando in questo momento e i problemi con cui ci dobbiamo confrontare


da: Campo Base <>
a: <>,
data: 11 mar 2020, 12:18
oggetto: Festival House of Displacement - suspensión de la comunicación

Estimado equipo de,

le escriben los seis miembros del colectivo CampoBase, actualmente en residencia con el programa Encura # 4.

Debido a las medidas de contención del nuevo Coronavirus tomadas por el gobierno italiano el 9 de marzo y válidas hasta el 3 de abril, ninguno de nosotros podrá estar con Irene Angenica en Barcelona para darle ayuda en la preparación del festival House of Displacement. La situación en Italia es muy grave y no podemos dejar de cumplir, con la máxima responsabilidad, las indicaciones dadas por las autoridades competentes: nuestras posibilidades de movimiento son actualmente muy limitadas.

Le pedimos amablemente que investigue a las autoridades competentes de su país lo antes posible para obtener información sobre la posible o no realización del festival en el que hemos trabajado mucho en los últimos meses, para poder evaluar a tiempo la necesidad de un posible aplazamiento, teniendo en cuenta cuánto esta emergencia inesperada está afectando nuestro proyecto, tanto logística como emocionalmente.

Hasta nueva disposición, continuaremos trabajando en el proyecto, pero hemos decidido suspender todas nuestras comunicaciones hasta el lunes con respecto a nuestro público y a todas las personas que están pasando por un momento difícil dada la epidemia actual. Por lo tanto, esperamos comprender cómo puede evolucionar la situación no solo en Italia, sino también en España e indicaciones sobre la conducción del festival.

Le agradecemos el apoyo y la ayuda que nos puede brindar en un momento tan difícil para todos nosotros. Mis mejores deseos,

Il team di CampoBase: Irene Angenica, Bianca Buccioli, Gabriella Dal Lago, Ginevra Ludovici, Federica Torgano, Stefano Volpato.


Mar 11 2020 1:15 PM BARCELONA | La alcaldesa de Barcelona, Ada Colau, ha anunciado que se aplazaran actividades que no sean necesarias. "Nos planteamos reducir la actividad, los próximos quince días bajaremos el ritmo".


[16:18, 11/3/2020] Irene: mira que bonito el poster con el programa del festival!!

[16:18, 11/3/2020] Anna Irina: alaaa <3 ha quedado superrr

[16:18, 11/3/2020] Irene: Siii <3 Pero he impreso solo la prueba

[16:18, 11/3/2020] Anna Irina: a mi me da la sensación que la cosa va a pararse... yo ya no tengo trabajo en el macba porque han cancelado las visitas

[16:19, 11/3/2020] Irene: Y estoy aplazando el resto a que nos digan algo del ministerio

[16:20, 11/3/2020] Irene: si esto se va a parar  pasarà lo que està pasando a italia... todo cerrado para minimo dos semanas y quizas con esto por tiempo no va a pasar el follon que està pasando allì...

[16:20, 11/3/2020] Anna Irina: ya.. es lo que están pidiendo desde sanidad, de pararlo todo antes que pete más

[16:21, 11/3/2020] Irene: 13:06 BARCELONA | La alcaldesa de Barcelona, Ada Colau, ha anunciado que se aplazaran actividades que no sean necesarias. "Nos planteamos reducir la actividad, los próximos quince días bajaremos el ritmo".

[16:22, 11/3/2020] Irene: que claramente no van a anunciar el aplazamiento de House of Displacement la Colau porque tovìa no saben que serà la fiesta màs importante de españa después de Las Fallas

[16:23, 11/3/2020] Irene: jajaj... pero igual la gente de italia no puede venir, la gente de madrid igual lo dudo mucho

[16:27, 11/3/2020] Anna Irina: hhahahahaj ya... que la gente de aquí se acerque creo que kike. habrá problema, pero quizá es un poco shit

[16:29, 11/3/2020] Irene: si desde el ministerio nos dicen que aplazan serìa lo màs guay. Tu como lo ves?

[16:42, 11/3/2020] Anna Irina: para mi ningún problema, prefiero que se haga bien y que os quedéis contentas que no se haga a medias ahora


Ministero della Salute - Governo Italiano

11 marzo 2020 - Covid-19, chiudono attività commerciali non di prima necessità

11 marzo 2020 - L'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità dichiara il coronavirus pandemia


[19:33, 11/3/2020] Irene: Io credo che posticiperemo l'evento

[19:33, 11/3/2020] Ginevra: anche io! Con la dichiarazione di pandemia mi sembra assurdo solo considerare di farlo ora


[21:52, 11/3/2020] Gabriella: Chiudono tutti i negozi tranne vendita al dettaglio di cibo e farmacie, da domani

[21:52, 11/3/2020] Federica: Non avrò mai la mia scorta di tabacco Drum a cui non ho pensato fino ad ora mi vuoi dire?


da: <>
data: 12 mar 2020, 07:05
oggetto: [Artistas] Teletrabajo del equipo de Hangar

Estimados artistas,
como medida de precaución ante la pandemia de Coronavirus, el equipo de Hangar minimizaremos a partir de hoy mismo nuestra presencia en Hangar. Seguimos trabajando, pero todo lo que podamos lo haremos desde casa.
Para todas aquellas cuestiones que se puedan resolver por correo electrónico, por Jitsi o por teléfono, os pedimos que evitemos el trato presencial. Estaremos atentos, de todos modos, a que no se detengan las actividades que vosotros queráis mantener. Así que vendremos a Hangar para resolver aquellas cuestiones que no se puedan atender a distancia.
Por otra parte, las actividades abiertas al público programadas por Hangar quedan suspendidas durante las próximas dos semanas.
Os pedimos disculpas si esta medida dificulta vuestro trabajo, pero pensamos que se trata de una precaución necesaria y beneficiosa para todos.
Salud, Director


[09:51, 12/3/2020] Martina: Momento federconsumatori: all’esselunga pacco da 112 assorbenti Lines a 10 euro! (Scusa Ste) Baci dalla zona rossa


[17:24, 12/3/2020] Irene: Hola Pepe, que tal? Qué tal en Madrid? Yo estoy esperando todavía que me digan algo oficial pero yo creo que el festival se va aplazar… Como me confirman algo te digo

[17:25, 12/3/2020] Pepe: Hola. Aquí sin papel del wc ... por el miedo

[17:26, 12/3/2020] Irene: ya es que a italia ya lo llevan tan heavy de algunos dìas y me esperaba esto de repente aquì tambien

[17:28, 12/3/2020] Pepe: Todo se está cancelando ... así que Diego y yo ya imaginábamos ayer (que hablamos por teléfono) que iba a pasar lo mismo con la belleza de Barcelona

[17:29, 12/3/2020] Irene: ya es que todavía no ha salido la info oficial pero seguro que no es el momento para hacer un festival

[17:29, 12/3/2020] Pepe:  Seguro que no. Y la idea sería posponerlo o cancelarlo del todo?

[17:29, 12/3/2020] Irene: ademas que todo mi colectivo està en cuarentena desde el lunes

[17:29, 12/3/2020] Irene: no se. Depende todo de lo que dicen... 

[17:29, 12/3/2020] Pepe: Lo que sea será. No queda otra... Ánimo!!!!!


13 marzo 2020

Vueling <

Notifica di cambi nella prenotazione J9S9HV

Gentile cliente, ti informiamo che, a seguito dell’epidemia di COVID-19, almeno uno dei voli della sua prenotazione è stato cancellato


[11:19, 14/3/2020] Irene: mi stanno scrivendo tutte le persone coinvolte nel festival chiedendomi come fare, e io non posso dare risposte ufficiali 

[11:28, 14/3/2020] Ginevra: l'unica cosa che mi sento di dire a riguardo è cercare di prendere tempo, perchè la comunicazione dell'annullamento dell'evento davvero dovrebbe arrivare a breve


[19:15, 16/03/2020] Irene: A la luz de la reciente emergencia de Covid-19, se aplazan todas las actividades del festival House of Displacement. Volveremos lo antes posible con la reprogramación. Mientras tanto, ¡cuìdanse!

[19:17, 16/03/2020] Stefano: Alla luce della recente emergenza Covid-19, tutte le attività relative al festival House of Displacement Barcelona sono rimandate. Torneremo al più presto con la nuova programmazione. Nel frattempo, state al sicuro!

[19:18, 16/03/2020] Ginevra: In light of the recent Covid-19 emergency, all activities related to the House of Displacement Barcelona festival are postponed. We will be back soon with the new programming. In the meantime, stay safe!


[08:46, 25/3/2020] Federica:

[09:58, 25/3/2020] Stefano: L'ho letto prima... Non capisco, quindi piace il telecontrollo sul modello coreano ma non la pattuglia per strada?

[10:12, 25/3/2020] Bianca: credo che lui sostenga che è assurdo quanto siamo tutti disposti a vendere i nostri dati utilizzando app per dimagrire o consentendo l’accesso mediante tutti i servizi di cui usufruiamo online, ma siamo terrorizzati all’idea che questi dati vengano usati dallo stato per una emergenza sanitaria. In realtà, invece, questo potrebbe dar vita a un sistema di gestione molto diverso da quello autoritario militarizzato che sta usando l’Italia aka esercito nelle strade… quindi, per rispondere alla tua  domanda, sì (:

[10:19, 25/3/2020] Stefano: Ma temo che le due cose non siano paragonabili... Detto che penso sia assurdo condividere i propri dati per correre o dimagrire! e temo pure che il controllo della celletta telefonica sia autoritario tanto quanto l'esercito delle strade… Ecco, per me non è molto diverso

[10:21, 25/3/2020] Bianca: infatti il modello coreano, è stato usato all’inizio dei contagi per capire quali erano le connessioni tra persone, quali le zone con più probabilità di sviluppare un focolaio, quali ospedali erano già stati colpiti, e fare delle restrizioni mirate; é diverso dall'uso dei droni che si sta facendo in alcune città italiane. Ma d'altra parte i due modelli mi sembrano incompatibili dall'inizio, una volta intrapresa una via, non puoi prendere l’altra…


Facebook · pagina di CampoBase · 27 marzo alle ore 12:30


The festival House of Displacement Barcelona that was scheduled in these days, has been postponed due to the ongoing sanitary crisis. We thank's staff and the artists that have been working with us. We hope to hug you soon!


El festival House of Displacement Barcelona, programado para estos días, se ha aplazado debido a la emergencia sanitarìa en curso. Agradecemos al personal de y a los artistas que continúan trabajando con nosotros. ¡Esperamos abrazarve pronto!


Il festival House of Displacement Barcelona, che era in programma in questi giorni, è stato rimandato a causa dell'emergenza sanitaria in corso. Ringraziamo lo staff di e gli artisti che continuano a lavorare con noi. Speriamo di abbracciarvi presto!


Lucía Egaña Rojas (@Lucía Sombra), Revista La Más Bella (Pepe Murciego y Diego Ortiz), Sofía Montenegro, Anna Irina Russell, Claudia Elies



17:34, 5/3/2020] Federica: I think it's all true

[17:34, 5/3/2020] Irene: No it can't be

[17:34, 5/3/2020] Federica: Hear the others immediately

[17:35, 5/3/2020] Irene: Call me when you're done at work

[17:35, 5/3/2020] Federica: Yes of course

[17:46, 5/3/2020] Irene: Guys is happening

[17:48, 5/3/2020] Geneva:?

[17:48, 5/3/2020] Irene: they canceled Federica's flight. Check your emails to see if at least you have been pardoned by this lottery

[17:48, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: shit

[17:48, 5/3/2020] Bianca: here ...

[17:50, 5/3/2020] Irene: a message has arrived on Fede on the phone

[17:50, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: maybe she had already did the checked in?

[17:50, 5/3/2020] Irene: impossible, with Ryanair you can't until the day before

[17:54, 5/3/2020] Geneva: It says nothing to me

[17:55, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: for now she tells me that my reservation is confirmed

[17:56, 5/3/2020] Geneva: Mine too. Hope so ... But maybe also because Fede leaves before me and Gabri. Maybe they put the block until that day. If we can discover this thing, maybe the flight of Fede can be postponed and is able to leave.

[17:58, 5/3/2020] Irene: I fear your illusion, Gab

[17:59, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: as far as I understand Ryanair is canceling flights because because of Covid they are empty

[17:59, 5/3/2020] Geneva: fuck

[17:59, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: that is, it is not something related to movement, but something related to the fact that economically it is not sustainable to start flights with three people on board

[17:59, 5/3/2020] Irene: pity that those three people paid for it and instead of canceling the flight they should give him a fucking alternative

[18:18, 5/3/2020] Federica: Maybe I can move it. Raga makes me cry

[18:19, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: :( otherwise you won't have a rag

[18:19, 5/3/2020] Bianca: tonight I dreamed that I was arriving in Barcelona by car

[18:20, 5/3/2020] Bianca: cursed clairvoyance

[18:21, 5/3/2020] Gabriella: hahaha 9 hours anyway, to extreme ills ...

[18:35, 5/3/2020] Federica: Flixbus only takes 14 of them

[23:04, 5/3/2020] Geneva: Oleee come on, we'll make it


ITALIATODAY - Sunday 8 March 2020

Coronavirus, in Milan the escape from the "red zone": crowd at Porta Garibaldi station


[16:17, 8/3/2020] Federica: I had to go to work on Tuesday but I doubt I will be able to move at this point ... How do the shifts from the red zone to the red zone work in your opinion?

[16:17, 8/3/2020] Irene: So tomorrow we also see how this mess is evolving and we understand if it makes sense to do or cancel the festival

[16:18, 8/3/2020] Federica: :-(

[16:18, 8/3/2020] Gabriella: Madonna, what a crackling moment in life!


[11:20, 10/3/2020] Bianca: I think that at some point some directives will come from the Ministry and at any point we will have to accept

[11:22, 10/3/2020] Irene: well this is already a point of discussion. do we want to go on until such a decree arrives also in spain and if it does not continue we continue?

[11:14, 10/03/2020] Irene: 10: 43 LAST MINUTE | The Champions League match between FC Barcelona and Naples will be played behind closed doors.


[12:01, 11/3/2020] Irene: Until further notice we will continue to work on the project, but we have decided to suspend all our communications until Monday in respect of our public and all the people who are going through a difficult time given from the current epidemic. We therefore look forward to understanding how the situation can evolve not only in Italy, but also in Spain and indications regarding the conduct of the festival. So you think it can go?

[12:01, 11/3/2020] Geneva: that's fine with me, thanks Ire. It is very important for me that our feelings also come out in this email, but in a respectful and relative way to our relationship with Hangar, as it seems to me

[12:08, 11/3/2020] Geneva: however, apart from that, I am thinking that I would like to use the blog art spy to talk about the coronavirus epidemic in Italy… I would like a revisited version of the first blog post Art Spy : "notes and ideas for a research on collective work and thinking across Europe during Coronavirus" ... something like that

[12:10, 11/3/2020] Gabriella: I like it very much

[12:10, 11/3/2020] Stefano: Yes, yes, there is a lot

[12:12, 11/3/2020] Geneva: daje, it seems to me an interesting post, because it does not act directly in a controversial way, but returns the complexity of maneuvers or movements that we are experiencing, simply by photographing the way we are working in this moment and the problems we have to face


gives: Base Field <>

to: <>,

dates: 11 Mar 2020, 12:18

oggetto: Festival House of Displacement - suspension of communication

Dear Team,

The six members of the CampoBase collective, currently in residence with the Encura # 4 program, are writing to him.

Due to the containment measures for the new Coronavirus taken by the Italian government on March 9 and valid until April 3, none of us will be able to be with Irene Angenica in Barcelona to give her help in preparing for the House of Displacement festival. The situation in Italy is very serious and we cannot fail to comply, with the utmost responsibility, the indications given by the competent authorities: our possibilities of movement are currently very limited.

We kindly ask you to investigate the competent authorities of your country as soon as possible to obtain information on the possible or non-realization of the festival in which we have worked a lot in recent months, in order to assess in time the need for a possible postponement, taking consider how much this unexpected emergency is affecting our project, both logistically and emotionally.

Until further disposition, we will continue working on the project, but we have decided to suspend all our communications until Monday regarding our public and all people who are going through a difficult time given the current epidemic. Therefore, we hope to understand how the situation can evolve not only in Italy, but also in Spain and indications on the conduct of the festival.

We thank you for the support and help you can give us at such a difficult time for all of us. My best wishes,

Il team di CampoBase: Irene Angenica, Bianca Buccioli, Gabriella Dal Lago, Ginevra Ludovici, Federica Torgano, Stefano Volpato.


Mar 11 2020 1:15 PM BARCELONA | The Mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, has announced that activities that are not necessary will be postponed. "We plan to reduce activity, the next fifteen days we will slow down."


[16:18, 11/3/2020] Irene: look how beautiful the poster with the festival program !!

[16:18, 11/03/2020] Anna Irina: alaaa <3 has been superrr

[16:18, 3/11/2020] Irene: Siii <3 But I have only printed the proof

[16:18, 11/03/2020] Anna Irina: it seems to me that things are going to stop ... I no longer have a job at macba because visits have been canceled

[16:19, 3/11/2020] Irene: And I'm putting off the rest to tell us something about the ministry

[16:20, 11/3/2020] Irene: if this is going to stop, what is happening in Italy will happen ... everything closed for at least two weeks and maybe with this for a while, the mess that is happening will not happen there...

[16:20, 11/03/2020] Anna Irina: ya .. is what they are asking from health, to stop everything before pete more

[16:21, 11/03/2020] Irene: 13:06 BARCELONA | The Mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, has announced that activities that are not necessary will be postponed. "We plan to reduce activity, the next fifteen days we will slow down."

[16:22, 11/03/2020] Irene: they clearly are not going to announce the postponement of the House of Displacement la Colau because they still do not know that it will be the most important party in Spain after Las Fallas

[16:23, 11/03/2020] Irene: hahaha ... but just like the people of Italy cannot come, the people of Madrid still doubt it very much

[16:27, 3/11/2020] Anna Irina: hhahahahaj ya ... that the people here come closer I think kike. there will be a problem, but maybe it's a little shit

[16:29, 11/03/2020] Irene: if the ministry tells us that they are postponing it would be the coolest thing. How do you see it?

[16:42, 11/03/2020] Anna Irina: for me no problem, I prefer that it be done well and that you are happy that it is not done halfway now


Ministry of Health - Italian Government

March 11, 2020 - Covid-19, close non-essential businesses

March 11, 2020 - The World Health Organization declares the coronavirus pandemic


[19:33, 3/11/2020] Irene: I believe that we will be the event

[19:33, 3/11/2020] Ginevra: Me too! With the declaration of pandemy it seems just absurd to me to make it now


[9:52 pm, 11/3/2020] Gabriella: All shops except retail food and pharmacies close tomorrow

[21:52, 11/3/2020] Federica: I will never have my supply of Drum tobacco that I haven't thought about so far, can you tell me?


by: <>


date: 12 Mar 2020, 07:05

subject: [Artists] Telecommuting from the Hangar team

Dear artists,

as a precautionary measure before the Coronavirus pandemic, and the Hangar team will minimize our presence in Hangar starting today. We continue working, but everything we can we will do from home.

For all those questions that can be resolved by email, by Jitsi or by phone, we ask you to avoid face-to-face treatment. We will be careful, in any case, that the activities that you want to maintain do not stop. As a bandage to Hangar to resolve those issues that cannot be addressed remotely.

On the other hand, the activities open to the public scheduled by Hangar are suspended for the next two weeks.

We apologize if this measure hinders your work, but we think that it is a necessary and beneficial precaution for all.

Salud, Director


[09:51, 12/3/2020] Martina: Fed-consumer moment: the long pack of 112 Lines sanitary tampons for 10 euros! (Sorry Ste) Kisses from the red zone


[17:24, 3/12/2020] Irene: Hi Pepe, how are you? How's madrid? I'm still waiting for someone to tell me something official but I think the festival is going to be postponed… As they confirm something I tell you

[17:25, 3/12/2020] Pepe: Hello. Here without toilet paper ... out of fear

[17:26, 12/3/2020] Irene: it is that they already carry Italy so heavy for some days and I was expecting this suddenly here too

[17:28, 3/12/2020] Pepe: Everything is being canceled ... so Diego and I already imagined yesterday (when we spoke on the phone) that the same thing would happen with the beauty of Barcelona

[17:29, 12/3/2020] Irene: the official info has not yet come out, but surely it is not the time to do a festival

[17:29, 3/12/2020] Pepe: I follow that no. And is the idea serious to postpone it or cancel it from the whole thing? 

[17:29, 12/3/2020] Irene: also that all my group is in quarantine since Monday

[17:29, 3/12/2020] Irene: no if. It all depends on what they say ... 

[17:29, 3/12/2020] Pepe: Whatever it will be. There is no other ... Courage !!!!


March 13, 2020

Vueling <

Notification of changes in booking J9S9HV

Dear customer, we inform you that, following the COVID-19 epidemic, at least one of the flights of your booking has been canceled


[11:19, 14/3/2020] Irene: all the people involved in the festival are writing to me asking me how to do it, and I can't give official answers

[11:28, 14/3/2020] Geneva: the only thing I can say about it is trying to take time, because the communication of the cancellation of the event really should come shortly


[19:15, 16/03/2020] Irene: A la luz de la reciente emergencia de Covid-19, se aplazan todas las actividades of the House of Displacement festival. Volveremos lo antes posible with the reprogramación. Mientras tanto, ¡cuìdanse!

[19:17, 16/03/2020] Stefano: Alla luce della recente emergenza Covid-19, tutte le attività relative al festival House of Displacement Barcelona sono rimandate. Torneremo al più presto con la nuova programmazione. Nel frattempo, state al sicuro!

[19:18, 16/03/2020] Geneva: In light of the recent Covid-19 emergency, all activities related to the House of Displacement Barcelona festival are postponed. We will be back soon with the new programming. In the meantime, stay safe!


[08:46, 25/3/2020] Federica:

[09:58, 25/3/2020] Stefano: I read it before ... I don't understand, so you like the remote control on the Korean model but not the patrol on the street?

[10:12, 25/3/2020] Bianca: I think he claims that it is absurd how much we are all willing to sell our data using apps to lose weight or allowing access through all the services we use online, but we are terrified the idea that this data is being used by the state for a health emergency. In reality, however, this could create a management system very different from the militarized authoritarian one that is using Italy aka army in the streets ... so, to answer your question, yes (:

[10:19, 25/3/2020] Stefano: But I fear that the two are not comparable ... Having said that I think it is absurd to share your data to run or lose weight! and I also fear that the control of the cell phone is as authoritarian as the army of the streets ... Here, for me it is not very different

[10:21, 25/3/2020] Bianca: in fact the Korean model was used at the beginning of the infections to understand what the connections between people were, which areas were most likely to develop an outbreak, which hospitals were already been affected, and make targeted restrictions; it is different from the use of drones that is being done in some Italian cities. But on the other hand the two models seem incompatible to me from the beginning, once you have taken one path, you cannot take the other ...


Facebook · CampoBase page · March 27 at 12:30


The festival House of Displacement Barcelona that was scheduled in these days, has been postponed due to the ongoing sanitary crisis. We thank's staff and the artists that have been working with us. We hope to hug you soon!


El festival House of Displacement Barcelona, ​​programado para estos días, se ha aplazado debido a la emergencia sanitarìa en curso. Agradecemos al personal de y a los artistas que continúan trabajando con nosotros. ¡Esperamos abrazarve ready!


Il festival House of Displacement Barcelona, che era in programma in questi giorni, è stato rimandato a causa dell'emergenza sanitaria in corso. Ringraziamo lo staff di e gli artisti che continuano a lavorare con noi. Speriamo di abbracciarvi presto!


Lucía Egaña Rojas (@ Lucía Sombra), Revista La Más Bella (Pepe Murciego y Diego Ortiz), Sofía Montenegro, Anna Irina Russell, Claudia Elies

This must be the place. Notes on Poblenou What do we talk about when we talk about displacement

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