I was invited to be a resident at Quillagua, a small town located in Atacama desert, during the last week of August 2016. The following posts describe processes, objects and activities that drew my attention while being in Atacama. This travel diary, already filtered by memory and composed far away from Chile, has taken the shape of a map where the desert is mixed with other deserts, where its images create repetitive patterns and discontinuous lines of thought.
Watching the desert from a line
Watching the desert from a line // Watching the desert from the car
Catastrophic tourism // Tombs from the car
The desert falls over the tombs // Chuquicamata mine pit falls over the village of Chuquicamata
Chuquicamata mine pit falls over the village of Chuquicamata // Chuquicamata is the biggest hole dug by men // Mountains dug from the hole
Hole dug under Chuquicamata, mine below the mine // Hole at the Meteorite Valley created by underground water, not by a meteorite // There is a water valve that opens the flow of underground water
Some of these images were taken by Bogdan Achimescu