III Residencies Exchange - Curatorial Programme of Estampa Art Fair

The third edition of Residencies Exchange shifts formats to a tandem-like residency program, in which three international curators work in pairs with three national ones during a two-week residency.

The IV Curatorial Programme of Estampa Art Fair, organized by hablarenarte, is for the first time structured as a tandem-like short term residency program that will involve independent curators coming from Latin America, Europe and United States. The goal of this year’s edition is to invite 3 international curators to work in pairs with 3 national ones to exchange experiences and learn from a unique perspective about the current cultural Spanish and Madrid-based art scene.

The three international guest curators, Cristiana Tejo (Brazil), Jason Waite (United States) y Christelle Havranek (France), will share lines of work and research with his/her local partner, Clara Sampaio, Emma Brasó y Violeta Janeiro, during their stay in Madrid:

· Feminism and radical pedagogy

· Art, society and critical theory

· Artistic movements and democratic transition in Spain

The residency program is comprised of three parts:

 - Professional programme at Estampa. Participation of the invited curators in the art fair’s activities and events as a part of the international professional invited group. 

- Post-art fair Investigation. Studio visits, portfolio presentations, meetings and professional encounters at museums, galleries and other important cultural venues of Madrid. 

- Public activity programme. The programme will also have a set of talks, conferences and other related activities in different Madrid-based cultural institutions producing a greater network of institutional collaborations.


A project of: Feria Estampa

Curated and produced by: hablarenarte:

With the support of: Comunidad de Madrid, CRA Matadero Madrid y Acción Cultural Española AC/E

Venues: IFEMA, Matadero Madrid

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